
If you are here and you don’t see the list of available courses below, please look at the top right of your screen and make sure you are logged in.  If this is your first time logging in, make sure you verify your account by clicking the link in the email you were sent upon registering.

  • To self-enroll in a course, just click the title of the course, and from the resulting page, scroll down until you see the blue “Enroll me” button. Click it, and you are ready to start learning! For downloadable, illustrated directions, click here.
  • These courses are designed to be taken in the presented order.  Please start with “Setting the Stage,” and finish with “Cultural Responsiveness.” 
  • The content of each course is presented vertically. Just scroll down to see the various topics and associated content. Periodically, you will be asked to take a quiz. Some users new to this system may get lost after finishing a quiz. Please click here to download illustrated directions for navigating that interface.
  • Once you finish and complete all the prerequisites, you will receive a certificate for your clock hours. A certificate will be automatically emailed to the address you used when registering your account. If you don’t find it, please check your Spam folder. You may also find a copy of the certificate saved to the course. Click here for illustrated directions about accessing that saved copy.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact us at support@buildingaccess.org.